Mrs Laura Jagas
"I highly recommend the Master Course to those who are in a choir, a schola, or simply for those seeking to further their knowledge and appreciation of Gregorian Chant. From start to finish, I have greatly enjoyed everything about the course. Through it, Mr. Christopher Jasper provides a very informative, in-depth, interesting, unbiased, and comprehensive study of Gregorian Chant. This course has left me not only with a greater knowledge of chant, but, most importantly, a great love for the 'sung prayer of the Church'. Before this course, I could easily have said that I had a preference for polyphony and other forms of Sacred Music; now that my love and appreciation for chant has grown, thanks to this course, Gregorian Chant is easily my favorite.
The unit on History provides a great introduction to the course. Further, the units on 'The Solemn Method' and 'Semiology' are taught from a very unbiased approach, which allows the student to become immersed in various styles of the Solemn Fathers. The final unit on 'Voice and Directing' provides a great practical application of that which was taught throughout the course.
Laura J"